Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Where do you think youre Goins.

So my professor Dr. Goins in my Business and Professional Communications class is awesome, and today we spent about 25 minutes talking about handshakes and how much of an impression they leave (we did talk about more relevant college-y things, trust me).

We went through all of the standard scenarios...

1. The Dead Fish
2. The Queen of England
3. The Brah
4. The President, and finally...
5. The "Nothing to write home about, but you'll get the job"

As a class we also established, with the help of Dr. Goins the necessary handshake to use when interviewing for a career-job. And the winner is...

The "Nothing to write home about, but you'll get the job"

With that out of the way we went on to decide the appropriate number of "pumps" which everybody knows is one.

But what do you do if you really wanna leave an impression? You obviously dont go with "The Dead Fish" or "The Queen of England"... so what do you do? Well... its quite simple, i actually made a video of the proper handshake by which to land the perfect job...

And, in case you couldn't tell, im the black guy in the video(duh!)...


Anonymous said...

Love the video!

The most memorable and amazing handshake I ever received was from Kofi Annan, U.N. Secretary General for 10 years. His hands were dry, warm and weathered like old leather that had been worked and worn for many years.

He a "two-hander" hand shaker. While leaning slightly foward he shakes your hand with one hand and rest the other on top, a full hand embrace. And he exudes such a presence the hand-shake leaves you feeling like you've been hugged by a family member.

I would love to shake hands with him again. I must be a good hand-shaker too. My eye doctor shook my hand FIVE times during a 30-min appointment. He's weird, but a good eye doctor nonetheless.


Jay said...

Well, I'd say it's an adequate shake IF you the time to spare and IF you're wearing fairly un-constrictive clothing.

Billy said...

Loved the video. I have a soft, but firm handshake. One pump and a great smile to go with it.